Change is inevitable

What we do

We support the youth to be the best versions of themselves and equip them with life skills.

Our sessions include ‘group time‘ with facilitators who support the young people and families to build their emotional intelligence, learning skills of self-reflection and self-management as well as social skills applied to their relationship in their community.

We specifically prioritise young people, girls, youth lone parents and women facing socio-economic disadvantage who are at risk of not reaching national standards in their exams and qualifications, limiting their future opportunities.


We provide parenting skills courses, plus weekly science, maths supplementary classes with English in the pipeline. We organise tutorial sessions for members around the core subjects of Maths & Science. We give general information to help young people between the ages of 6 & 18+ with progressing to further education, employment or training.

  • Science key stages 2,3,4, GCSE & A 'levels
  • Mental mathematics
  • Parenting skills training

Sports & Fitness

The club's Eritrean youth teams routinely take part in practice to develop their football skills and compete in tournaments.

  • Football and a more holistic lifestyles
  • Each session is delivered to groups of up to 25 individuals, beginning from ages 16 to 18+, and combines weekly two-hour sessions with therapeutic interventions and rewards.

Life Skills

Young People need to have the Soft skills to navigate life effectively and to also have a good chance in succeeding in their personal and professional life.

  • To promote British culture and values among the community members particularly among children & young people by keeping traditional Eritrean culture and values.
  • Provide advice, help and support to young people & parents for some career guidance and employability skills.
  • To create awareness among community members, young people & families about citizenship, human values, community cohesion and tolerance.

Planned Events & Activities

The flowing events and activities are provided to all members residing in west London especially in the North Kensington area.

  • “Catch them young & talent hunt” – Promoting and facilitating young people’s varied skills, knowledge and talents.
  • Personality & leadership and effective parenting training programmes for parents. Education tours/visits, Healthy living “run for success”.
  • Community participation and partnership work with the Local Authority, local Schools and other Voluntary and Community Groups

Latest News & Tutorials from Our Team

Laudem numeranda nec in gravissimo bello animadversionis metu est contineret, saluti. Si sine causa, nollem me ab eo ortum, tam egregios viros censes aut. Epicurus in sanguinem suum tam egregios.
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